About me
I am a 5th year Ph.D student majoring in Operations Research, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). I am also concurrently enrolled in the Master Program in Machine Learning at CMU. I am advised by Prof. Benjamin Moseley.
My research combines Operations Research/Computer Science tools with Machine Learning models. The main focus is to bridge the gap between ML theory and practice. Area-wise, I have been mostly interested in analyzing and designing clustering algorithms. I am currently working on the algorithmic foundations of ML and big data analysis (streaming and relational databases). The ultimate goal is to find faster, better and more robust ML solutions.
Before coming to CMU in 2017, I was an undergraduate at Tsinghua University (2013-2017).
I have been a reviewer for the following venues: ICML 2022, ICLR 2021, AISTATS 2021, ICML 2021 and NeurIPS 2021.
Last Updated on 02/01/2022.